Pirates of Hilton Head
149 Lighthouse Road, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Maps & DirectionsWe’ve got a map that leads to a sunken treasure chest, but Stinky Pete knows about it too and he stole the key. The race is on to find Stinky Pete, and get the key back before he can steal the treasure for himself. Once we find him our new Crew is going to have to man the water cannons, and blast the stink right off of Pete until he gives us the key!
Fortunately, at Pirates of Hilton Head, we always beat Stinky Pete and every little pirate always gets a handful of the loot. We celebrate the victory with some music and dancing before heading back to port. All told it’s about an hour and a half of fun including the time on the dock. Please show up at least 20 minutes early to get your pirate name and a tattoo!
We look forward to having you aboard. This is one adventure they’ll never forget!